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How To Loose Weight Naturally: 10 easy tips to help in weight loss

Get Slim and Good Physique

Who else in this world don’t want to get good physique, but very few people can manage to get good looking body structure. Once we start gaining weight, it becomes really tough to loose it. Overweight is a big problem in today’s lifestyle as most of the people are facing it, even children suffers hard from it.

Getting rid of overweight is not easy but it is not impossible too, one can do it naturally without harming their body mechanism and natural process. If you are suffering from the same problem then we have got some wonderful tips to loose weight naturally, these tips are highly recommend by professionals. These processes have no side effects and crazy impact on your body, so you can easily adopt these ways to loose weight.

10 easy way to loose weight naturally

1. Don’t avoid protein

Protein intake is very vital when it comes to loose weight naturally, without harming your body organs, one can easily loose weight with proper protein intake. Our daily basis meal lacks protein and that’s why we should never rely on our food only to get protein. Protein is the must have nutrient which should be consumed by our body on daily basis. Diet with full of protein makes our metabolism smooth which is must in weight loss, a good metabolism can give you the perfect body structure.

Protein Based Diet - Kaahan  Ayurveda
Protein Based Diet – Kaahan Ayurveda
  • Protein is really helpful in reducing appetite (desire to eat something unnecessarily), protein intake reduces appetite and make you feel no hunger.
  • If you are taking proper nutritious protein then chances are high that you consume way too much calories.
  • Protein is helpful in digestion also because it burns calories comparatively faster, so get a good amount of protein to avoid weight problems naturally.


Protein makes our metabolism smooth which is must in weight loss, a good metabolism can give you the perfect body structure.

2. Get rid of processed foods

Food which has more calories, fat and sugar are often referred as processed foods, so now you can understand the reason to avoid it. These foods taste better but they make you feel lethargic all the time, and the moment you started feeling lethargic and low, you will sleep more and hence the overweight. Many usual body functions are affected when we consume processed foods, so it is better to turn it off. Processed foods are not good for your health because it makes you addictive towards it and you want more and more.


Processed foods are not good for your health.

3. Drink water

Drinking decent amount of water has lots of pros, one of the main reason for overweight is that we often avoid drinking water. When it comes to loosing weight without having any side effects, water becomes the essential part of the process. Half liter of water can increase the calories burning by 30% once we drink it, so now you can understand the need of water for our body. Water is very significant in digesting food and it boosts our metabolic processes to give us good health status.

Drink plenty of water - Kaahan Ayurveda
Drink plenty of water – Kaahan Ayurveda
  1. Water should not be drunk right after you take your meal, either drink water half an hour before your meal or after the same time.
  2. Drinking water in bulk instantly after your food destroy the process of digestion and hence it causes many ailments.
  3. It is better to drink water before the meal as it helps in reducing calorie intake, this is really helpful for middle or old aged person.
  4. It is better to replace beverages full of sugar and unnecessary calories with water.


Water should not be drunk right after you take your meal, either drink water half an hour before your meal or after the same time.

4. Don’t eat in bulk, eat wisely

  • Whatever you eat in one full day, eat it wisely and as per the need of the body.
  • One should never eat more food at once, try to eat repetitively at regular intervals.
  • One should never consume food traditionally when it comes to weight loss because it is not good for your health.
  • It is better to eat 2 chapattis  at one time rather than eating 6 at once, because more you eat, hard your digestive system have to work.
  • When you eat lesser at once, your digestion process becomes very smooth and easy.
Don t eat all at once - Kaahan Ayurveda
Don t eat all at once – Kaahan Ayurveda

Intermittent Fasting is one of the major trend in today’s world for loosing weight without taking any chemical supplements. Intermittent fasting is the pattern of eating or fasting, it doesn’t specify what to eat but it focuses on when to eat. This is really helpful way to loose weight naturally, so adopt this method to lose some extra fats. Fasting is very important for our body, even fit person should fast for atleast 16 hours once in  a week. There are some diet pattern prevalent in intermittent fasting, which is quite useful in weight loss like 16/8, 5:2 method.


One should never eat more food at once, try to eat repetitively at regular intervals.

5. Drink beverages like green tea and that too without sugar

Antioxidants are really helpful in loosing weight through natural process, so take something that has full amount of antioxidants. Green tea is one of the such beverage which has immense amount of antioxidants available in it, it helps in reducing our extra fat.

Green tea helps in loose weight - Kaahan Ayurveda
Green tea helps in loose weight – Kaahan Ayurveda

Fat burning increases exponentially when we take green tea, though it should not contain sugar in it. If you want to lose belly fat then please take atleast two cups of green tea daily, it will increase energy expenditure and burn your fat. However, it is not good in taste and will never full fill your lust of “chay” but it will help you in loosing weight for sure.


If you want to lose belly fat then please take atleast two cups of green tea daily

6. Eat more fruits and veggies

Eating fruits even in bulk do not harm our metabolic activity as they have low energy density, you can sweep all your hunger with fruits and vegetables. They are versatile in nature and provide you lot of necessary stuff which you must consume. They are high in water, fiber and nutrition, you can eat lot of fruits without consuming extra calories. Many researchers have found that person who eat more fruits and vegetables are generally fit and fine. You can consult your dietitian to get recommendation on best fruit for your body.


Person who eat more fruits and vegetables are generally fit and fine.

7. Count calorie intake, burn them if taken more

There are several mobile apps available on internet to count your calories you take daily. We all should count the calories we get everyday through our food, one should never exceed the maximum limit of calories. Now, the question arises, how to know the exact number of calories for your body? Well you can calculate it through your weight and height, and take food accordingly. You should have proper listing of food you eat because extra calories can result in fat and unwanted muscles.


One should never exceed the maximum limit of calories.

8. Exercise and cardio is must

Loosing weight without doing some sort of exercise is almost impossible in today’s lifestyle for most of the people. We are not saying to get involve in only physical activity to loose weight but you can do it through physical activity like running, cycling, hiking. Try to get yourself involved in physical activity, it will make your body mechanisms smooth for loosing weight. Cardio is one such physical activity which will not only help in loosing belly fat but you can loose overall weight.


Try to get yourself involved in physical activity.

9. Sleep enough

Our life has been too hectic in this materialistic world that we barely get enough time to sleep properly. A healthy soul should rest for atleast 7-8 hours daily, it can be really helpful in getting over weight problems naturally. Sleep is mandatory for happy and energetic lifestyle, we should never compromise on our sleep. A good sleep helps in reducing our overthinking and mental stress which ultimately saves us from getting extra fat. Studies have shown that hectic and tensed lifestyle are the main reason for overweight. Most of the children in today’s era face overweight problem due to malnutrition and less sleep. So, sleep more to be fit, getting good sleep reduces the future weight gain.

A healthy soul should rest for atleast 7-8 hours daily
A healthy soul should rest for atleast 7-8 hours daily


A good sleep helps in reducing our overthinking and mental stress which ultimately saves us from getting extra fat.

10. Eat High Protein eggs

Eggs are really rich in all sorts of necessary nutrients which our body seeks, so get high protein eggs daily. It is very common in loosing weight because it reduces our carving and hunger, one should definitely eat eggs to get protein intake and reduce appetite. Eggs should be eaten in breakfasts as it works better with empty stomach. Since, it resist us from taking more calories because it can kill our hunger problem.


Eggs should be eaten in breakfasts as it works better with empty stomach.

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